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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need Colostrum?

Once puberty has passed, our bodies begin the ageing process by gradually producing less of the immune and growth factors that help us fight off disease and heal damaged body tissue. Colostrum is the only natural source of these life-giving components.

Can I give Colostrum to my children?

Absolutely. Paediatricians recommend that infants, who have not been breastfeeding, be given Colostrum to supplement their formula. Colostrum can help growing children in many ways, for better concentration, increased memory plus children have a higher tendency to catch colds and illness from other schoolmates and Colostrum will help immensely. We suggest that you consult with your paediatrician for proper dosage information.

If they cannot swallow a capsule, then break it in half and sprinkle on their food (i.e. yoghurt) to avoid choking.

What if I’m overweight?

Colostrum is great for making the bodywork more effectively which makes weight loss easier.


What if I’m a sports person?

Sports people’s bodies need optimum nutrition and they frequently injure themselves when playing, so Colostrum is vital, both for optimum nutrition and for faster rates of healing after injury.


Will Colostrum cure my ailment?

Being a natural product that makes your body work more effectively, you can never determine its effect on an ailment. Whilst we make no claims to treating or curing any ailment, Colostrum is a natural product and when taken in accordance to our recommendations as stated on our website and product catalogue, we suggest you give it a go and see for yourself.


I’m a vegetarian. Isn’t Colostrum an animal food?

Colostrum is neither animal nor vegetable. Although Colostrum comes from cows, it has been an important part of the strict Vegan diet of India’s Hindu Rishis (spiritual leaders) for thousands of years. In present-day India, the milkman delivers Colostrum to wealthy vegans. Our Colostrum capsules are vegi-caps.


How much Colostrum should I take?

The amount of colostrum you take varies from person to person. Refer to the suggested dosage on the product, but if your recovering from any injury you may want to start off taking more. Also, if you feel a cold or flu coming on you may want to up your dosage to help you recover quicker and relieve your symptoms.


If I order today, how long does it take for delivery?

Mostly the delivery time is between 2 – 7 working days. The average is 3 working days.

If your time is limited, please call our office on 0481952048 and we will try our best to cater to your needs.



43 Constantine Drive, 

Point Cook, VIC 3030


Phone: 0481 952 048



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