Reinforcing your Immune system for you & your family!

Damage done to our bodies by poor diet, smoking, stress, pollution and antibiotics contribute to an immune system that is weak and ineffective. Often referred to as nature’s first food, possessing antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties, colostrum is scientifically recognised for its superior protection and healing qualities. Our colostrum products are bursting with immunoglobulins (antibodies). These natural warriors are constantly protecting you and your family against daily exposure to bacteria, viruses and modern day stressors.
Alpha Lipid™ Lifeline™
• Support your immunity with 1,680mg of Colostrum*
containing 300mg of Immunoglobulins.
• Improve gut health & digestive comfort with 1 billion
Probiotics per dose.
• Contains essential vitamins and minerals.
• 1,000mg of calcium for healthy teeth and bones.
• Assists the body’s natural repair process.
Combining colostrum and probiotics for powerful immune and digestive system support to help you feel balanced, healthy and strong.
Immufort Ultraboost Colostrum
• Packed full of IMMUNOGLOBULINS, also known as
antibodies. Produced by the body’s immune system
in response to bacteria, viruses, or other foreign
Immunoglobulins are nature’s warrior force, attackingthe pathogens you are exposed to everyday. Immufort Ultraboost is a powerful, fortified IgG colostrum tablet providing the defence you need for your respiratory and gut mucosal systems.

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